< div class = "title" > app Name: Voice of heaven < / div > < div class = "title" > developer Name: Beijing Huahua Diantong culture media Co., Ltd. < / div > < div class = "title" > developer contact: 13810608861@139.com
1. About "account number"
Voice of heaven ® user agreement
You should read and abide by the "voice of paradise" user agreement (hereinafter referred to as "the agreement"), please read carefully and fully understand the terms, especially the disclaimer, and the related paid service description.
You are not authorized to use this product unless you have read and accepted all terms of this agreement. Your login, view and release of information on this product shall be deemed that you have read and agreed to the constraints of this agreement. Thereafter, the user shall not make any defense in any form by not reading the contents of this agreement.
If you are under the age of 18, please read this agreement with your legal guardian.
1.1 "voice of heaven" software and related services provide you with a registration channel. You have the right to choose a legal character combination as your account and set your own password that meets the security requirements. The account and password set by the user are the credentials used by the user to log in and use the "voice of heaven" software and related services as the registered user.
1.2 Account cancellation
When you need to stop using the "voice of heaven" account service before you die, you can apply for cancellation of your "voice of heaven" account if you meet the following conditions:
(1) you can only apply for cancellation of your own account, and cancel in accordance with the "voice of heaven" process;
(2) you should still be responsible for your behavior before and during the use of "voice of heaven" service Take corresponding responsibilities;
(3) after the cancellation is successful, account records and functions cannot be restored or provided.
1.3 logout process
you need to contact the official website by email and verify the logout manually. The verification content will be complicated. Please keep in mind what you left on the software.
2. Risk tips:
2.1 your video, audio, message and text are your sincere, honest, honest and fraternal expressions and records, which involve your parents, wives and children, relatives, friends, superiors, teachers and business partners. Please be responsible for the expressions and records under the conditions of public order and good customs.
2.2 if your message and words involve other people's personal privacy, personal safety and dignity, business secrets, technical secrets, etc., please carefully express and record them, so as to avoid unnecessary disputes and legal liabilities caused by infringement.
2.3 if your message and text involve public security, major economic responsibility, criminal case clues, etc., it is recommended that you express or solve them through necessary legal channels. However, this does not affect the confidentiality obligations of this website for your records.
2.4 if your message and words involve national security, social stability, national equality, freedom of belief, regional prejudice and discrimination, etc., this website will not be recorded (deleted after summary within 24 hours).
3. User personal information protection
the company works with you to protect your personal information (that is, information that can identify you independently or in combination with other information).
protecting users' personal information is one of the basic principles of the company. In the process of using the "voice of heaven" software and related services, you may need to provide your personal information (including but not limited to your name, phone number, location information, device information, etc.) so that the company can provide you with better services and corresponding technical support. The company will protect your rights to browse, modify, delete personal information and withdraw authorization according to law, and protect your personal information by using encryption technology, anonymous processing and other technical measures and other security measures that match the Voice of heaven software and related services.
4. Service declaration
4.1 in principle, the software does not provide any information transmission service before the death of all services provided by "voice of heaven ®".
4.2 the software provides services and charges fees, which are divided into prepaid fees and pay as you go fees. The pay as you go fees can be understood as: whoever accepts the content will pay. If the recipient doesn't want to pay or can't contact due to objective conditions, the "voice of heaven" software will process the information content by itself 90 days after the set point.
4.3 paid customers have triggered the software service of "voice of heaven ®". Due to objective reasons, the receiver cannot be contacted. The "voice of heaven ®" software will process the information content by itself after 365 days according to the set time.
4.4 all other VIP services except for information transmission of "voice of heaven" software are from third-party law firms or other third-party service agencies. The service contracts signed by users are all third party contracts.
5. Change, interruption and termination of services
5.1 you understand and agree that the "voice of heaven" software and related services provided by the company are provided in accordance with the current situation that the existing technology and conditions can achieve. The company will do its best to provide you with services to ensure the consistency and security of the services. You understand that the company cannot foresee and prevent legal, technical and other risks at any time or at all times, including but not limited to service interruption caused by force majeure, network reasons, third-party service defects, third-party websites and other reasons, improper use of "voice of heaven" software and related services, and other losses and risks.
5.2 you understand and agree that the company has the right to determine the settings of services / functions and their scope modification, interruption, suspension or termination of "voice of heaven" software and related services according to the specific situation in order to meet the needs of overall service operation and platform operation security.
6. Others
6.1 the establishment, effectiveness, performance, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the people's Republic of China. If any provision of this agreement is invalid due to conflict with the laws of the people's Republic of China, these Provisions shall be reinterpreted and applied in accordance with the principle of being as close to the purpose of the original provisions of this Agreement as possible without violating the laws, and other provisions of this Agreement shall still have complete effect and effect.
6.2 the signing place of this agreement is Chaoyang District, Beijing, people's Republic of China. In case of any dispute between you and the company, both parties shall try their best to settle it through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, you agree to submit the dispute to the people's Court of Chaoyang District, Beijing for litigation.
6.3 in order to provide you with better services or due to changes in national laws and regulations, policy adjustments, technical conditions, product functions and other needs, the company will revise this agreement in due time, and the revised content constitutes an integral part of this agreement. After this agreement is updated, the company will issue an updated version in "voice of heaven ®", and remind you of the updated content through the official website (skyems. Com) announcement or other appropriate ways before the updated terms come into effect, so that you can know the latest version of this agreement in time. You can also view the latest version of the terms of the agreement on the homepage of the website or on the software settings page. If you continue to use voice of Paradise software and related services, you agree to accept the revised content of this agreement.
If you have any objection to the revised agreement, please stop logging in or using the "voice of heaven" software and related services immediately. If you continue to log in or use the voice of heaven ® software and related services, you will be deemed to recognize and accept the revised agreement.
6.4 headings in this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision of this agreement.
6.5 you and the company are independent subjects. In no case does this Agreement constitute any form of express or implied guarantee or condition of the company to you, nor does it constitute an agency, partnership, joint venture or employment relationship between the two parties.
sharing principle
Authorized consent principle: without your consent, we will not share your personal information unless the shared personal information is the information after de identification processing and the shared third party cannot re identify the natural person subject of such information. If the purpose of the use of information by third parties exceeds the original authorization consent, they need to obtain your consent again
The principle of legality and minimum necessity is that the shared data must have legitimate and legitimate purposes, and the shared data shall be limited to the necessary purpose Safety prudence principle: we will carefully evaluate the purpose of third party using shared information, comprehensively evaluate the safety and security capability of these partners and require them to comply with the cooperative legal agreement. We will strictly monitor the software tool development package (SDK) and application interface (API) for the partners to obtain information to protect the data security
access the third party SDK directory
To ensure the realization of relevant functions and the safe and stable operation of application, we may access the software development package (SDK) provided by the third party to achieve the relevant purpose We will strictly monitor the software tool development package (SDK) for the partners to obtain information to protect the data security
we list the related third-party SDK to access in the directory
Please note that the data processing type of the third-party SDK may change due to its version upgrade and policy adjustment. Please take the official instructions published by the third party SDK as the standard
Umeng SDK
Purpose of use: statistical analysis and push information Data type: device identification information, application list
official website link:
https://developer.umeng.com/docs/119267/detail/118585 ;